Play/pause audio player inside an iframe


Your text link in the post Play/pause Audio Player with API worked great with full list of songs on the page. However, when we tried it with the iframe on the page, it did not start the player. Any idea how to make the text link work with the iframe? The iframe approach is a much simpler structure for us.


When adding the iframe, assign an id for it, for example:

<iframe src=”audioplayer.html” id=”amazing” width=”274″ height=”52″ border=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameBorder=”0″></iframe>

Then you can use the following text link:

<a href=”javascript:if (window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow) window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].playAudio(); else window.frames[‘amazing’].window.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].playAudio();”>Click to Play</a>
<a href=”javascript:if (window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow) window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].pauseAudio(); else window.frames[‘amazing’].window.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].pauseAudio();”>Click to Pause</a>