How to play different mp3 files by passing a URL parameter

If your web server supports a server-side script, for example PHP, you can pass a URL parameter to the player webpage, then play different mp3 files according to the URL parameter.

This is useful when you use iframe to add players to a webpage and you want to use the same player to play different mp3 files.
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How to add a button to shuffle the playlist of the audio player?

This tutorial will show you how to add a button to shuffle the playlist of the audio player.

Step 1 – In your webpage, add the following HTML code to create a button. You could use your own CSS to add style to the button.

<button id="shuffle-player">Shuffle</button>

Step 2 – In your webpage, add the following JavaScript to your webpage, just before the head closing tag </head>.

In the code, line 6, if your player has a different ID, please change the value accordingly.

(function($) {
	$("document").ready(function() {
		$("#shuffle-player").click(function() {
			var playerID = 1;
			var instance = $("#amazingaudioplayer-" + playerID).data("object");	
			for (var i = instance.elemLength - 1; i > 0; i--)
				if ((i == 1) && (Math.random() < 0.5))
				var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
				var temp = instance.elemArray[index];
				instance.elemArray[index] = instance.elemArray[i];
				instance.elemArray[i] = temp;
				temp = instance.playerSkin.trackitems[index];
				instance.playerSkin.trackitems[index] = instance.playerSkin.trackitems[i];
				instance.playerSkin.trackitems[i] = temp;
				var tracks = $("#amazingaudioplayer-" + playerID + " .amazingaudioplayer-track-item");
				var track0 = tracks.eq(index);
				var track1 =  tracks.eq(i);			
				tracks = $("#amazingaudioplayer-" + playerID + " .amazingaudioplayer-track-item");
			for (var i = 0; i< instance.elemLength; i++)
				instance.elemArray[i].id = i + 1;
			$("#amazingaudioplayer-" + playerID + " .amazingaudioplayer-track-item").each(function(i) {
				$(this).data("order", i);
				if ($(this).hasClass("amazingaudioplayer-track-item-active"))
					instance.currentItem = i;
				$(".amazingaudioplayer-item-id", this).text(i + 1);

Playing a Specific Track


Basically, I want to know if I’m able to send someone to the page the player is on but have the player playing a specific track rather than default to the first track.

For example, my customer is reading an article and there’s a link that asks them to “click here” to hear the interview. When they click I want to send them to the separate page where my player is but I want it to automatically play track 12.

Is there easy code to accomplish this?


The following answer only works for Version 3.0 and above.

The player created with Version 3.0 and above supports two URL parameters firstaudioid and autoplayaudio. You can use the parameter to specify an audio to start.

The id of first video is 0. For example, the following URL will start playing the third audio.

Play/pause audio player inside an iframe


Your text link in the post Play/pause Audio Player with API worked great with full list of songs on the page. However, when we tried it with the iframe on the page, it did not start the player. Any idea how to make the text link work with the iframe? The iframe approach is a much simpler structure for us.


When adding the iframe, assign an id for it, for example:

<iframe src=”audioplayer.html” id=”amazing” width=”274″ height=”52″ border=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameBorder=”0″></iframe>

Then you can use the following text link:

<a href=”javascript:if (window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow) window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].playAudio(); else window.frames[‘amazing’].window.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].playAudio();”>Click to Play</a>
<a href=”javascript:if (window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow) window.frames[‘amazing’].contentWindow.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].pauseAudio(); else window.frames[‘amazing’].window.amazingAudioPlayerObjects.objects[0].pauseAudio();”>Click to Pause</a>